Reading the story at various Auckland libraries must be a highlight of this book for me. One seven-year-old boy eagerly exclaimed after I read the title “Ah, that’s a good question!”

During the session, I never know where the conversation is going to take us. I am finding that older siblings and adult caregivers like to listen in and approach me afterwards. From animals, animal sounds, Zoos and wildlife, endangered species, to “what is a question?” Every reading is unique even though I have a similar routine each time; I first introduce my soft animal toy friends and we talk about where they are from. Then I read the book and depending on the age group, invite conversation prompted by the pictures. At the end, adults and children are invited to ask me questions. Invariably, I am asked by an adult,

“So, what noise does a giraffe make?”

Fortunately, I have done my homework.

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